Tom and Carrie Mcclung

The McClung Family:
Carrie, Sammie, Zoe, Noah, Tom

Tom and Carrie have been part of The Prayer Room - Brazos Valley since the spring of 2012.  Coming from a missions background, both believe that the Lord has called them “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry...” (Eph. 4:12) through prayer, worship, teaching, discipleship, and fellowship, both in Bryan/College Station and abroad.  Tom and Carrie’s desire is to see people walking in wholeness so that they may see the Lord clearly and be better able to operate in His calling on their lives.

Tom has served on The Prayer Room’s Board of Directors for 5 years. Carrie has served in many capacities - as the Children’s Equipping Center Director, as Worship Director and Team Leader, and now on the Board.